Monday, June 17, 2019

The Simulator-Manual Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Simulator-Manual Paper - Essay Example This is a sample experimental run file Seed 0 Algorithm FCFS Group Processes starting Arrival Interarrival Duration CPU Burst I/O Burst 1 8 2.0 regular 4.00 uniform 8.00 14.00 constant 10.00 constant 6.00 Experimental Runs For 1 Experiment Experiment Commentary Run Modifications myexp This experiment contains 1 run myrun_1 algorithm FCFS key First Come First Served Starting run from experiment myexp Tue Feb 21 050729 EST 2012 Starting run from myrun_1 Starting to run events using FCFS 40 events through with(p) in 18 milliseconds vitrine List at Time 86.58 ProcessSchedulingSimulator version1.100L288byS.Robbins supportedbyNSFgrants DUE-9750953andDUE-9752165. ... 1050732EST2012 Eventlistsizeis0at86.58 TueFeb21050733EST2012 Numberofnewprocesses0at era86.58 TueFeb21050734EST2012 Numberofwaitingprocesses0attime86.58 TueFeb21050736EST2012 Numberofprocesses8attime86.58 IDStateStartedFinishedInCPUUsedTotalWaiting 1through2.0043.10212.4412.4422. 66 2done6.0076.72213.6213.6251.10 3done10.0031.5219.529.5212.00 4done14.0040.6619.149.1417.52 5done18.0086.43210.4210.4252.01 6done22.0086.53210.1010.1048.43 7done26.0086.58210.0510.0544.53 8done30.0086.0119.299.2946.72 TueFeb21050737EST2012 Numberofreadyprocesses0attime86.58 TueFeb21050738EST2012 Numberoffinishedprocesses8attime86.58 IDStartedFinishedCPUTotal 310.0031.529.52 414.0040.669.14 12.0043.1012.44 26.0076.7213.62 830.0086.019.29

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